This was the Esperanto Association of Britain's site from 2005 to 2018. You will find its current site at

ESPERANTO-ASOCIO DE BRITIO Registered Charity no: 272676
(also known as Esperanto Association of Britain, EAB, Springboard, Esperanto-GB.)

Trustees' Report
for the year ended 31st October 2010

The trustees present their report with the financial statements of the charity for the year ended 31st October 2010. A full copy of the report and financial statements may be obtained from Esperanto House.
[This report was published in EAB Update No. 53 (April-June 2011)]


The Management Committee of the Association are the trustees of the charity. Those who served from 1st November 2009 to 31st October 2010 were: John Wells (president), Edmund Grimley Evans (vice-president), David Kelso (hon. secretary), Joyce Bunting (hon. treasurer), Geoffrey Greatrex, Clare Hunter. David Bisset and Jean Bisset served until May 16th 2010.

Staff and appointees

Education & Development Co-ordinator: Angela Tellier. Office administrator: Viv O'Dunne. Honorary librarian: Geoffrey King. Webmaster: Bill Walker. Editor EAB Update: Geoffrey Sutton. Editor La Brita Esperantisto: Paul Gubbins. Accountant & Independent Examiner: N. Brooks, Kingston Smith, 60 Goswell Road, London, EC1M 7AD.

The objects of the Esperanto Association (EAB)

To advance the education of the public in the international language Esperanto in the furtherance of international communication without discrimination, and of the natural right of all people and peoples, their languages and cultures to be treated equally.

Public Benefit

In setting objectives and planning activities the trustees have given consideration to the Charity Commission's general guidelines on public benefit, and in particular to guidance on advancing education. EAB does not exclude anyone for any reason.

Summary of main achievements during the year 2009/10


Springboard in schools progressed slowly but steadily, as planned. A secondary school joined the pilots, taught by Carolyn Wade who has become an enthusiastic esperantist.

Manchester University has undertaken a long-term independent evaluation of the Springboard project. Their final report is due in November 2011.

The international Comenius project (2008-2010) came to a successful conclusion in September 2010. This involved exchanges of pupils in European schools learning Esperanto.

Library packs went to several schools who requested them, and several talks and presentations were delivered in schools to sixth-formers.

Residential courses

Summer Festival & the Jubilee event at Wedgwood Memorial College were both very successful; so too were Course-You-Can and Drondido (for beginners). Drondo and Ni Festivalu continue to be popular. On all occasions when EAB had sole use of the college, enough participants were attracted to cover costs of hiring, which is encouraging.

Distance learning

Uptake of the Elementary,..! course is rising and the attractive mini-series of learning books is proving popular. The telephone buddy system works well. Leaflets were updated. There is a small but steady uptake for exams.


Mini Course, Mini Dictionary and Mini-Grammar were completed and made available as a 'trio'. Mini Course in Welsh (Mini Cwrs) was published in time for the British Congress in Llandudno. John Wells's long awaited 2-way dictionary was published by Mondial.

The complete collection of the revue Fonto was digitized and made available on CD.

Promotion and publicity

The Language Show took place over three days in November 2009 at Olympia, London. The Association is indebted to volunteers who organised and manned the stand. Visitors could take a new free CD A taste of Esperanto as well as leaflets. The venue and date changed to Earls Court in October 2010. Esperanto attracted considerable public interest, and the volunteers manning the stand received favourable comments about the International Language.

A great number of radio interviews took place during the year, thanks to initiatives by Brian Barker and several volunteer interviewees.

A new print design for calico bags was created by Tim Owen. These were distributed to attendees of the Brita Kongreso in Llandudno, and may be purchased.

In October 2010 had 218 followers but an even greater number (currently 448) choose to view the information via our Facebook page of the same name. The site relays news snippets to subscribers. Among younger members it proved a valuable communication tool for arranging meetings, but it is available for everyone to view.

A 24-page booklet in several different languages called Malkovru Esperanton was produced by ILEI (Internacia Ligo de Esperantistaj Instruistoj) and e@i (Esperanto@Interreto). EAB paid for printing the English version, Discover Esperanto. Copies were sold to other English-speaking associations.

British Esperanto Congress April 2010

The Mayor of Llandudno opened the Congress, and the local Male Voice Choir entertained at a well organized event. Much local publicity was achieved by the local committee before and during the congress, the new Mini Cwrs proving a stimulus.

Butler Library

Concise and full book catalogues of the Butler Libraryare being combined; this is now 55% complete.

The complete files of the 1971 Universala Kongreso in London was added to the collection. 662 items of archive music and voice recordings, including the Linguaphone course of 1926 spoken by Edmond Privat, can be found in the Sonbanko Esperanta. Current and historical information is on the Butler Library website.

Constitution of EAB

Amendments and simplifications to the constitution were ratified at the AGM.

Plans for 2010/11 and further

Future of Wedgwood Memorial College

Stoke-on-Trent City Council continue to explore options for the future of the college. EAB is represented on their Advisory Committee.


Life members 23, full members 328, family members 15, supporters 52. Total 418

A few members of venerable age died during the year. New recruits and people rejoining after some years' absence were welcomed. Members and supporters receive EAB Update newsletter (English and Esperanto) quarterly. Full members also receive La Brita Esperantisto - an all-Esperanto journal - twice a year, and are automatically affiliated to Universala Esperanto-Asocio. Full members are entitled to vote at the AGM. Membership services include assistance with payments to international Esperanto events via the UEA credit system. The modest subscription rates have not increased for several years.

Financial Review of the year


Income is derived from investments, membership subscriptions, sales, bequests and donations and spent on charitable objects.

Deposit account income remained negligible during the year, so £100,000 was invested in a Building Society one-year fixed interest account. Global Equity 'accumulation' units were transformed into 'income' units. The trustees made further small regular investments in equities whilst prices were low, for long term growth: unit values are recovering slowly. Investments rose overall by £82,432 since previous October.

Accounting methods

Regulations changed recently. Organisations with income below £250,000 p.a. may now prepare accounts using the 'Receipts and Payments' system (often called 'Cash Accounting'). The trustees took advice, and decided to change from the more complex 'Accruals' accounting forthwith. Whilst the SORP must still be followed, and a Statement of Assets and Liabilities produced, it is hoped that administration will be less onerous and accountancy less expensive.


The Association has good financial reserves. This enables the trustees to plan activities which once started must be continued for several years to bring results. 'Free reserves', or uncommitted funds, are required to meet any emergency or shortfall in income. £150,000 is considered sufficient cover for 18-24 months.

Scout Esperanto League

The Scout Esperanto League of Britain entrusted money to EAB in 2002, with a condition that if The Scout League had not been restarted within seven years the money could be transferred to some other use for young people. It was transferred to NoJEF which has such aims.

Investment policy

The Constitution states that the trustees have power to make investments as they see fit. Their duty is to seek both adequate income and capital growth. Capital is invested in deposit accounts and unit trusts specifically designed for the charity sector, which are for the greater part socially responsible. The split between asset classes is approximately:

Cash & Deposit23%
Fixed Interest (bonds)19%
Equity (shares)34%
Global Equity 12%
Property units12%

Total value of cash and investments at 31st October 2010: £1,430,929

Approved by the trustees and signed on their behalf on 5th February 2011 by:
Mrs J.M. Bunting, Honorary Treasurer.

Independent Examiner's statement (extract)

In accordance with my examination, no matter has come to my attention;

(1) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements
- To keep accounting records in accordance with section 41 of the Act; and
- To prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and to comply with the Act have not been met; or

(2) to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts is reached.

N. St. J. Brooks
Kingston Smith LLP
Chartered Accountants
February 2011.

Copies of the detailed accounts may be obtained from Esperanto House, Barlaston.

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