EAB Trustees' Report for 2003

(Published in EAB Update number 25 April-June 2004)

The trustees are pleased to present their report together with the financial statements of the charity for the year ended 31 October 2003 (separate insert).

The statements comply with current statutory requirements, the Constitution and the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP 2000) Accounting and Reporting by Charities.


The Charity is an unincorporated organisation governed by its Constitution, registered as a Charity in 1976.

Management Committee of EAB

The members of the Management Committee are the trustees of the charity. Those who served throughout the period from 1 November to the date of signing these accounts were:
Edmund Grimley Evans (President),
David Bisset (Vice-President),
Eric Walker (editor of EAB Update until May 2003),
Frank Spilsbury (served until May 2003),
Graham Blakey (until May 2003),
Derek Tatton (elected May 2003),
Geoffrey Sutton (Hon. Secretary and editor of EAB Update ),
Joyce Bunting (Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Life Member),
Helen Fantom (Vice-President),
Grahame Leon-Smith (Vice-President),
Prof. John Wells (co-opted Sept. 2003).

Registered Office: Esperanto House, Station Road, Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent ST12 9DE. Tel. 0845 230 1887; e-mail: eab@esperanto-gb.org.

Bankers: Alliance Business Banking (Girobank), 62 Hagley Road, Birmingham B16 8PE. Barclays Bank, PO Box 738, London W6 9HY.

Independent examiners: N. St. J. Brooks, Kingston Smith, Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road, London EC1M 7AD. Solicitors: Kerseys, 32 Lloyds Avenue, Ipswich IP1 3HD.

Investment Managers:
CCLA: COIF Charity Investment Funds, 80 Cheapside, London EC2V 6DZ.
Charities Aid Foundation, Kings Hill, West Mailing ME19 4TA; Merrill Lynch, 33 King William Street, London EC4R 9AS;
Charities Property Fund, Cart Shepherds Crosthwaite, 2 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7NQ;
National Savings & Investments, Blackpool FY3 9YP.

Objects of the association

To advance the education of the public in the international language Esperanto. Organisation, subcommittees, etc.

The trustees are the members of the Management Committee of EAB, elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)to serve until the end of the next AGM.

Sub-committees and individuals are appointed by the Management Committee to carry out specific tasks. They must report back to the Committee.

Investment powers

Under the Constitution the charity has power to make investments as the trustees see fit.

Related parties

The charity has relations with several other Esperanto organisations both in Britain and abroad. These include Junularo Esperantista Brita (JEB)for young people which was re-launched in May 2003. Also Norwich Jubilee Esperanto Foundation (NoJEF), which makes grants to encourage young people to attend Esperanto courses and congresses, and the Scottish Esperanto Association.

Review of activities and achievements


Angela Tellier was appointed part time paid Co-ordinator of Education and related services in March 2003.

A full-colour leaflet detailing our correspondence courses has been printed.

A new beginner/intermediate course, Elementary...!, was piloted; forty-three packs have been sold. This involved much work by the education team and tutors.

The Free Postal Course has been restructured with added support materials.

The Accelerated Course has been developed as an improvement on the old Intensive Course.

Postal Examinations have been reformatted and reprinted as a temporary measure, prior to eventual reworking.

The Management Committee 's thanks to both Rosalind Walter and Arnold Pitt who looked after examinations and courses for many years.

Urso-Kurso (for children): leaflets are being reprinted, the dialogues and songs have been put on CD, and the parents ' book updated.

A CD recording of La Junaj Trezor-serĉantoj with a word list is available.

EAB now acts as the British section of ILEI and accepts membership on behalf of the international teachers ' association.

A new EAB Esperanto –English / English –Esperanto Mini-dictionary , suitable for beginners, has been published.

A consultant education advisory team has been formed from active Esperanto educationalists.

Particular thanks to Bill Walker and Malcolm Jones for their stalwart help with many of the educational projects.

At Barlaston this year, teaching included Ni Festivalu weekend in January, Esperanto Day in March, Esperanto Workers ' Association (SATEB)weekend in May – which included classes for beginners – and Somera Lernejo in August 2003. Course-You-Can took place in October. This is a new weekend course for beginners and post-beginners who had finished the Free Postal or are using the Elementary...! course; it received good support.

The educational website was launched with details of all courses, examinations and learning resources: www.esperantoeducation.com.

The Bendoteko is a lending collection of sound cassettes in Esperanto on educational and cultural topics, administered by Ben Gosling, who took over from Eric Walker in August. A catalogue is available from the HQ. Consideration is being given to producing CDs.

The Butler Library

Many people leave their collections of books, etc. to EAB. Any valuable volumes are placed in the Butler Library. Others may be retained for lending or sale, and lists of saleable second-hand books will be published.

All previously stored materials are now at Barlaston, where sorting, listing and conservation work has begun. Binding of selected periodicals is in progress.

Retrospective purchases for the Butler collection is 50%complete. Storage space for archives, lending and second-hand books was negotiated with Wedgwood College and called "The Houghton Room".

Technical progress has been made in getting the catalogue and listing on to the Internet. The library website has been set up: http://www.biblbut.org/. Geoff King is the Hon. Librarian.


The Eastern Federation was featured in The Guardian , resulting in over 100 enquiries, and several new members and students for courses.

Detailed advice on activities for the European Day of Languages were put on the web. In connection with that day there was a telephone appearance with "Des and Mel" on national TV.

The London radio station LBC ran a late-night phone-in featuring Esperanto.

All the new BT phone books now include under "Esperanto Association of Britain" the new telephone number 0845 230 1887.

Advertisements continued for most of the year in two national publications.

An EU, Europe-wide initiative was supported by EAB's new Information Officer and news releases were issued to selected local newspapers prior to the World Congress in Gothenburg.

The leaflet introducing EAB has been reworked as the initial step in reviewing publicity material.

A major success was achieved with the website Language Advantage, which encourages language learning. A feature on Esperanto was published and plans are in hand to incorporate Esperanto alongside other languages in the editorial material.

A press pack for local groups was piloted by the new South Devon group. Upgrades in the website attracted much interest, and the complete site has been revamped.

Much effort has gone into this and regretfully a new editor for EAB NetNews is needed.


La Brita Esperantisto: This all-Esperanto journal, edited by Dr Paul Gubbins, is sent to full members twice a year. It contains articles on Esperanto culture as well as more general reports reflecting Esperanto life in Britain. Additional copies may be purchased from the EAB Office.

EAB Update/EAB-Ĝisdate was sent out on schedule four times during the year to members and supporters. The new editor, Geoffrey Sutton, took over from Eric Walker for the spring issue. The bulletin has been given a new lay-out and has been further developed to include issues of world-wide importance.


The British Esperanto Congress was held in Glasgow in conjunction with the Scottish Congress in May. The organisation of this event was choreographed by the Scottish Esperanto Association, and was much appreciated by all who took part. Glasgow and Edinburgh societies celebrated their centenaries at the congress. Office staff helped with financial administration.

A congress website has been launched for the 2004 congress in Felixstowe: www.BritishEsperantoCongress.co.uk.


New members were welcomed, particularly following The Guardian article. However, EAB has suffered the loss of many elderly members this year. Former supporters of Esperanto Action not already members of the association were sent EAB Update for twelve months, then invited to join EAB. Those members of the Scottish Esperanto Association who are not members of EAB have also been invited to join.

At the end of October 2003, 433 Full Members (with voting rights)and 83 Supporters were enrolled. Subscription rates remained unchanged at £25 Full Membership (or £20 concessionary rate)and £10 for Supporters.

The national network of Federations continues: some active, some dormant. The federations are the natural point of contact for the many Esperantists who enter the movement through the Internet and thus have no necessary connection with a local group.

Local action resulted in the favourable article in The Guardian.

The London Esperanto Club was invited to the Polish Institute, where David Thornell's lecture on the life and work of Zamenhof was well received.

Staff and volunteers

Viv O 'Dunne works four flexible days a week.

Lydia Amold left us in July. We would like to thank Lydia for her support and wish her every success in her new job.

Viv looks after membership renewals and queries, mail-order book services at home and overseas. She helps enquirers and sends them information packs, allocates tutors for the postal courses and keeps databases up to date. Queries from the press and media are tied up with suitable Esperanto representatives. This year Viv has done a great job in response to the flood of enquiries which followed The Guardian article, and has worked closely with the education group to restructure and reformat educational materials to give an overall coherent and modern look. Exams and courses are now prepared and sent out from the EAB office.

Viv also worked with the Treasurer and accountant to computerise the accounts this year. She handles all day-to-day finances most competently.

David Kelso, Director of Development, left our employ in July to take up a teaching post in Italy. He remains an educational advisor to the trustees. The Association owes him a debt of gratitude for his leadership during the move from Ipswich to Barlaston. Before leaving, he suggested dividing and enhancing his job into sections, each to be run by a paid, part-time employee. Thus Angela Tellier was appointed part-time Co-ordinator of Education and related services. Ian Fantom was appointed part-time Information Officer, and Jim Voiels appointed Public Relations Officer, both initially for one year, to be responsible to the Publicity Chairman.

During the year, staff at Wedgwood Memorial College were co-operative, and the Association would like to say 'thank you '.

Derek Tatton retired from his post as Principal of the College. EAB looks forward to many years of fruitful co-operation with his successor, Jill Ward.

Volunteers play an important role in the effectiveness of the charity. The trustees thank many volunteers who have worked for the Association during the year, including tutors, examiners, moderators, teachers, lecturers, editors, compositors, proof-readers, the congress committee, webmasters, librarians, library assistants and computerised catalogue inputters, administrators, advisors, garden co-ordinator, etc.

Bequests and donations

The Association benefited from legacies left by Reg Bedford, Phyllis Strapps, Ethel Duncan and Peter Danning. Donations are gratefully received and may be designated for the Butler Library, Publicity, Education, the Esperanto Garden or "Afrika Agado".

Scout League: A sum of money was entrusted to the Esperanto Association from the Scout Esperanto League of Britain. The Scout Movement may use it to re-form the League within seven years, after which it may be used in other ways for young people. One year has expired.

Future plans

The trustees discussed their roles and responsibilities during a weekend workshop in June, among which:

Butler Library: compile computerised listing for simple searches and stocktaking, prioritise work on main computerised catalogue, publish listing and catalogue on the Internet.

Publicity: Continue to revise material for the enquirer 's pack. Prepare a stand at the 2004 London Language Show to show Esperanto as an aid to successful modern language teaching in schools. Mark centenary of foundation of the British Esperanto Association. Revise 'EAB Handbook ' after reviewing requirements. Support news releases by local groups and individuals. Establish media links and support members ' initiatives.

Education: : Publish Ĉiutaga Esperanto by Don Lord. Republish Mil Unuaj Vortoj picture book for children. Tutor guidance. Support an initiative by Paul Gubbins to produce a computer-assisted language learning CD –Verdaj Voĉoj. Encourage promotion of the Urso-Kurso by distributing leaflets to all libraries. Updating the content of all exams.

Others: Organisation of a successful national congress. A constitutional review. The Management Committee will meet on one less occasion per year, consulting by e-mail instead.

Risk management

Risk applies to all activities of the Association, and the trustees endeavour to address this. Financial investments are spread between five companies, in various types of account.


As at 31 October 2003 the Association had available resources of £1, 442, 994, of which £56, 547 were for restricted purposes and £47, 158 representing the endowment fund. The unrestricted balance of funds amounted to £1, 336, 289, of which £182, 802 is represented by fixed assets, including the new building. The balance is held to generate income for the foreseeable future. Interest on investments is the main source of income at present. Investment policy

The trustees, over time, have invested capital in specialised unit trusts, designed for the charity sector, to meet the need for both income and growth. In September 2003, a further £100, 000 was invested in the 'Charities Property Fund '. This is one of the few areas performing well. EAB 's policy is to provide income and growth for many years, at the same time permitting the release of capital for well-considered projects in furtherance of the aims of the charity. The market value of the investments as at 31 October 2003 was £1, 256, 141, split between the following categories: Cash 32%, Fixed Interest (bonds)25%, Equities (shares)27%, Property units 16%. Responsibilities of the Trustees in relation to the Financial Statements (see insert)

Law applicable to charities in England and Wales requires the trustees to prepare financial statements at the end of each financial year which give a true and fair view of its financial activities during the year and of its financial position at the end of the year. In doing so the trustees are required to: • select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; • make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; • state whether applicable ac-counting standards and statements of recommended practice have been followed subject to any departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and • prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the charity will continue in operation.

The trustees are responsible for keeping accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Charities Act 1993. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention of fraud and other irregularities.

Approved by the trustees and signed on their behalf by
Edmund Grimley Evans (President),
21 Feb. 2004

Independent Examiner 's Report to the Trustees of EAB

I report on the accounts of Esperanto-Asocio de Britio for the year ended 31 October 2003, which are set out on pages 8 to 14.

This report is made solely to the charity 's trustees as a body, in accordance with regulations made under Section 43(3)of the Charities Act 1993. My work has been undertaken for no purpose other than to draw to the attention of the charity 's trustees those matters which I am required to include in an Independent Examiner 's Report addressed to them.

To the fullest extent permuted by law, I do not accept or assume any responsibility to any party other than the charity and the charity 's trustees as a body, for my examination work, for this report, or for the opinions I have formed.

Respective Responsibilities of Trustees and Examiner

As the charity 's trustees you are responsible for the preparation of the accounts; you consider that the audit requirement of section 43(2)of the Charities Act 1993 (the Act)does not apply. It is my responsibility to state, on the basis of procedures section 43(2)of the Charities Act 1993 (the Act)does not apply. It is my responsibility to state, on the basis of procedures specified in the General Directions given by the Charity Commissioners under section 43(7)(b)of the Act, whether particular matters have come to your attention.

Basis of Independent Examiner 's Report

My examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by the Charity Commissioners. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from you as trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently I do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts.

Independent Examiner 's Statement

In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention: (1)which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements • to keep accounting records in accordance with section 41 of the Act; and • to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and to comply with the accounting requirements of the Act have not been met; or (2)to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached.

N. St. J. Brooks, Kingston Smith Chartered Accountants,
Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road, London, ECIM 7AD. 3 March 2004

Report on BEA

British Esperanto Association (Incorporated) Ltd, Reg. company number 93189. The directors, appointed in 1999, are Eric Walker (chair), Edmund Grimley Evans and Joyce Bunting. Geoffrey Wood is the Company Secretary. Members of BEA (Inc. )Ltd are deemed to be the current members of EAB Management Committee, plus one life member. BEA meetings usually take place during EAB management meetings, when the directors ' report and accounts are approved. The Company has not been active since the transfer of its assets to EAB – stock and cash in 1995 and property in 1999. The bank account was closed in 2002, then BEA was registered as dormant, as agreed by the directors on 20 April 2002.

Any monies which might become payable to BEA will be paid to the charity. The Company 's registration fee of £15 p. a. will be paid by EAB. In 1995, the Company 's solicitor, Ian Jackson, advised the directors not to dispose of BEA (Inc. )Ltd as there is little likelihood of resurrecting a Company once de-registered.

Joyce Bunting, January 2004

Key sector responsibilities during 2003-04

Hon. Treasurer: Joyce Bunting

Hon. Secretary & editor of EAB Update : Geoffrey Sutton

EAB rep. on the Wedgwood Memorial College Joint Management Committee & editor of La Brita Esperantisto : Paul Gubbins

EAB representative on 'Komitato de UEA ': Edmund Grimley Evans

Congress liaison: Terry Page

General Co-ordinator & Volunteer Network: Derek Tatton

Information & Publicity

Information Officer (to end Nov. 03): Ian Fantom

Publicity Committee (chair): Helen Fantom

Information Co-ordinator: Jim Voiels


Education Co-ordinator: Angela Tellier

Subcommittee on Summer School Issues (chair): Derek Tatton

Sub-committee on Courses & Examinations / Education advisory team: Angela Tellier


Office Subcommittee (chair): Joyce Bunting

Butler Library

Library Committee (chair): David Bisset

Hon. Librarian: Geoff King

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