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EAB Event 2014-03-07 to 09: Lernu! and Drondo events

Springtime at Shallowford House: 7 - 9 March 2014

We're running our first residential courses of the year a little later in 2014 (in March, since the inclement weather in mid-February can be very off-putting!). We welcomed Erin Piateski from the Lernu! Team to be our guest tutor at the 2013 Summer Festival, and to maintain and benefit further from this partnership we have rebranded our traditional beginners' residential weekend: Course-you-Can will now be known as Lernu!. And we'll be working with the team to cross-promote the event to maximise participation.

Malcolm Jones will be our tutor for the inaugural Lernu! course and EAB will be providing a substantial subsidy to students wanting to participate. This year the Lernu! course is excellent value at only £99. Students who have completed EAB's Free Taster Course or "Elementary,..!" Esperanto course will be able to reduce this fee further as they are entitled to a £25 subsidy on completion. The course is suitable for complete beginners, people part-way through, or completers of any starter course. Eternaj komencantoj are very welcome too! Come along and give it a try?

The ever popular Drondo will be led, as usual, by Ed Robertson and Tim Owen. The discussions are held entirely in Esperanto – Tim has made a start on the discussion notes already, so here's a taster of what's in store:

Ni jam elektis kvar temojn diskutotajn kaj aldonos pliajn poste. Lastatempe ricevis 35-jaran enkarcerig-punon Chelsea Manning (ĝis antaŭnelonge konata kiel Bradley Manning) kies krimo estis kaŝe disdoni sekretajn dokumentojn de la usona armeo, inkluzive de kelkaj kiuj indikos ŝajne kriman konduton. Nature do estos diskuti la temon Bradley Manning kaj fajfilo-blovado. Ankaŭ trafas lastatempe la novaĵojn protestoj kontraŭ nova maniero havigi el roko tergason kaj nafton do ni dividos opiniojn pri hidraŭlika frakasado.

Ni ne limigas nin nur al pezaj temoj kaj pri la ĉi-venonta ĉiuj sendube jam havas opinion sen devi antaŭe pripensi aŭ priesplori - ni demandos ĉu oni reformigu anglalingvan literumadon?

Kaj ne mankas movada temo - sekve de la tre malalta nombro de partoprenantoj ĉe la IJK en Israelo (malpli ol 100 kompare kun averaĝo de 285 en la dek antaŭaj jaroj) kiun oni eble taksus bojkota kaj komento de la Ĝenerala Direktoro de UEA en 2010, ke "kvankam UEA ne juĝas pri la politiko de la kandidata lando, UK ne nepre eblas ĉie" ni provos lumigi la temon ĉu en kelkaj landoj UEA rifuzu starigi Universalan Kongreson? Ni esperas, ke rezultiĝos vigla debato dum la semajnfino kaj ke ne nepre ĉiu konsentos kun ĉiu alia. Ni anoncos pli da temoj pri proksime al la evento.

The fees for the Drondo course are £140 per person.

If you'd like to secure a place on either course, please send a non-refundable deposit of £50 to the office - pay by cheque, online (below) or by phone, and then send the balance at least three weeks before the start of the course. All meals, tutor fees, accommodation and refreshments are included in the price. If you aren't able to make it on the Friday evening, don't let that deter you, please feel free to join us on Saturday morning.

Book online:
£50.00 Springtime at Shallowford 2014: Deposit (non-refundable)
£49.00 Springtime at Shallowford 2014: Lernu! balance
£24.00 Springtime at Shallowford 2014: Lernu! (with discount) balance
£90.00 Springtime at Shallowford 2014: Drondo balance

If possible, please use a debit card for orders over £14.00 (as our card transaction fees are lower).

For terms and conditions of online orders and payments, see the EAB Bookshop page.
The above items have no shipping charge.

If you want to include some books, CDs, DVDs or sundries from the EAB bookshop as part of your order,
just add those to the shopping cart too, before proceeding to the checkout.

Springtime at Shallowford could be your opportunity to spring into Esperanto study again. We hope to see you there!

Also... while you're filling up your diary, don't forget to record (and book your place at) the British Esperanto Congress in Sheffield: 2014-Apr-18 to 20.

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